GRAB THE ANSWER "It's time to squeeze your brain" Grab the answer is a technical quiz game which pursuits trivial knowledge of question and answers.This game event tends to bring your grey cells more attention.Further encourages in academic excellence and also helps by learn and earn you!
PAPER PRESENTATION Creativity and ideas lead to innovation.The paper presentation brought to you by HERTZ2020 gives you a platform to present your unique, exclusive and innovative ideas on a set of topics. Showcase your talent and research skills along with your presentation skills.All you have to do is script your ideas as a paper and present it to us.
THIRD EYE(PHOTO SHOOT) This is a competition for all the budding photographers out there!The participants will be given unique topics on which they have to capture the best pictures through their lens. Based on the photography skill,relevance to the topics and popularity in social media, winners will be selected.As the saying goes- a picture is worth a thousand words- your photos should speak for themselves!
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